Briar Rose

Freequently Asked Questions

What is assisted living and how does it differ from nursing home care?
Assisted living is a type of senior living that provides assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and medication management while promoting independence and autonomy. It is different from nursing home care in that residents in assisted living facilities typically do not require 24-hour skilled nursing care.
How can I pay for assisted living in Alaska?
Assisted living in Alaska can be paid for through private pay, long-term care insurance, Medicaid, and other state programs. Our staff can assist you in determining your eligibility and finding the best payment options for you.
What types of amenities and services do you offer?
Our assisted living facilities in Alaska offer a range of amenities and services including meals, housekeeping, transportation, social and recreational activities, medication management, and assistance with daily living activities. We also have trained staff available 24/7 to provide any necessary assistance.
Can I bring my own furniture and personal items?
Absolutely! We encourage residents to bring their own furniture and personal items to make their new living space feel like home.
Can family and friends visit?
Yes, family and friends are always welcome to visit! We also offer a range of social and recreational activities for residents to participate in and invite family members to attend.
Can I still see my own doctor while living in an assisted living facility?
Yes, you can continue to see your own doctor while living in our assisted living facilities in Alaska. We can also arrange transportation to and from medical appointments.
What is the staff-to-resident ratio?
Our facilities maintain a high staff-to-resident ratio to ensure that each resident receives personalized care and attention. Our trained staff is available 24/7 to provide any necessary assistance.
Are your facilities pet-friendly?
Yes, some of our facilities are pet-friendly. Please speak with a member of our staff to learn more about our pet policies.
Can residents participate in community events?
Yes, we encourage residents to participate in community events and we organize regular outings and activities for residents to enjoy.
Can I bring my own car?
Yes, you can bring your own car to our facilities. We also offer transportation services for residents who do not have their own vehicle.
Are there any age restrictions for admission?
Residents must be at least 60 years of age or older to be admitted to our assisted living facilities in Alaska.
Can I receive skilled nursing care at your facilities?
While we do not offer skilled nursing care, we can arrange for outside providers to come to our facilities to provide any necessary medical services.
How are emergencies handled?
Our staff is trained to handle emergencies and we have emergency protocols in place to ensure the safety and well-being of our residents.
Can I bring my own caregiver?
Yes, residents can bring their own caregiver if they prefer. However, we do have trained staff available 24/7 to provide any necessary assistance.
How often are meals served?
Our facilities offer three meals a day as well as snacks throughout the day.
Can I have guests for meals?
Yes, guests are welcome to join residents for meals. Please speak with a member of our staff to arrange for guest meals.
What types of rooms are available?
Our facilities offer a range of room types including private and semi-private rooms. Please speak with a member of our staff to learn more about room availability and pricing.
Can I decorate my own room?
Yes, residents are encouraged to decorate their own rooms to make their living space feel like home.

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